Wednesday, August 27, 2014

the white elephant in the room

¡Hola mi familia amada!

Well my time here in the CCM is running out and it´s a little weird and I´m not sure how I feel about it all. But it´s casual. And District 16B is the oldest district in zone 16 now! (That´s my district btw) This week has had some of the highest highs and some of the lowest lows so far. And probably my lows will get even lower and my highs will get even higher in the actual mission field. But lets not think about that, ok?

This week was Hermana Eddy´s 20th birthday and we went to town. We all made her some pretty great cards. I wrote a very touching ode to her. Probably my finest work... Haha actually it was really dumb. But everybody thought it was pretty funny, so that was a win. We even got to play Signs with our favorite teacher, Hermano Polo. 

In other news, I ate 6 peaches in one day. Yeah. The peaches here are out of this world. I´m gonna miss all-you-can-eat-peaches for basically free. 

Today we celebrated Christmas for real. Complete with a Merry Navidad sign on our door and everything. Elder Richardson even made a construction paper tree. It is adorable. We all wore our best sweaters and we had a white elephant gift exchange. It was probably the funnest thing we have done yet. For my gift I gave away our district´s ugliest tie. It usually hangs on our bulletin board, and every day the Elders in my district try to "cambiar" with the Latinos. It never works. So I stole it last night. And I wrapped it in one of the big water jugs. The wrapping was absolutely classic. Remember that one time I gave Steph a headband for her birthday and it was wrapped so obviously? Yeah. Imagine giant water jug. Wrapped in notebook paper. I have pics. So it totally happened. Go big or go bigger. Everyone had a good laugh. And it was the best wrapped gift for sure. 

But anyways, seriously, this week was a little tough. I had a hard time feeling like I was measuring up to expectations. A couple days I had a mental block with Spanish, and I wasn´t being very Christ-like. However, we had a really great talk about it last night with our sister training leaders (Hna Eddy and Andrews) and we have all been struggling with this apparently. Hna Andrews reminded me that patience is an act of faith and hope. And it reminded me of the lesson that Hna Webb and I are teaching on Sunday about faith. If you guys want to look up the talk by Elder Bednar "Learning by Faith" I would suggest it. It´s a good one. Basically we are all acting on faith right now, taking steps into the dark. And we are messing up and stuff, but it´s ok. Learn and move on. Literally repentance is so great. And the Atonement is the best thing EVER. And I was reminded of something Elder Holland said in one of the devotionals we watched here: The biggest lie from Satan is that we cannot change. I am so grateful for the chance to improve everyday, and to become more like my Savior everyday.

I hope you all have a fantastic week and that everybody has success in their various sports and activities. The gospel is true! I am having the best time ever. If you are thinking about serving a mission I have one thing to say: GET YOUR BUNS OUT HERE. That´s all.


Hermana Frei

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Escape! (It´s funny because it looks just like the word escape...)

Hola mi familia!

So just more exciting times at the CCM. Today for P-day our district got to take a trip to the temple and hangout at the visitors center. So we got to leave the CCM!! It was so great! Mexico City is so crazy. and the temple is so beautiful. and closed. But we won´t dwell on that. Also all the Hermanas got matching Mexican Camisas at the little gift shop. We are adorable. 

This week was a turning point in my Spanish for sure. One lesson I was completely unprepared for and I totally crashed and burned. Luckily Hermana Webb is a jedi master in español so she basically gave the entire lesson on the atonement by herself. But after that I vowed to never be unprepared again. So I was super diligent, and the last 2 lessons I have basically taken the lead, and actually made some complete thoughts. But really though, if we are prepared then God will make up the difference. I know it.

Even more exciting times: Hermana Webb and I gave away our first REAL el Libro de Mormón this week. We were studying outside and we were saying a prayer, and I thanked Heavenly Father for the Atonement of Jesus Christ. And after we were done, an elderly gentleman who works at the CCM as a gardener stopped us and thanked us for our testimony of Jesus Christ. We struck up a conversation with him and learned that he is a Jehovah´s Witness. So we were like HEY! WE HAVE A BOOK FOR YOU. And we gave it to him. And he promised to read it. I was pretty skeptical that he would, but we prayed that night for him that we would be able to have a follow up conversation with him the next day. So the next day... (I think this was yesterday??) I had this feeling that we needed to study outside again. And so Hermana Webb and I went outside and there was our friend Julio! He said he read the beginning of the Book of Mormon, and that he enjoyed the testimonies of Christ. I don´t know if anything will come of it, but it was such an awesome experience. Hermana Webb and I couldn´t knock the silly grins off our faces all day... Missionary work is SO FUN!

Also, we are in our 4th week at the CCM now and it is kinda weird. I leave for Boston on September 9th. Which is CRAZY close. I feel so ready and eager to go, but also so nervous and humbled. Who am I to attempt to speak Spanish to real Latinos? But God qualifies those he calls. And I know that I wasn´t sent out here to fail. 

Literally, every day here is better than the next. Except for the one day when I thought I had a concussion from playing soccer. But hey, false alarm! Also, this week has been our district´s self-declared Shark Week. Or la semana de tiburón. I think our teachers think we are nuts. But they love us. Also, last night our district sang in the MTC choir for devotional. It was such a fun experience singing How Great Thou Art in español. And in the devotional we learned about the importance of including members in missionary work. It really is so important. And I am so grateful for the sisters in our ward who included me while I was at home. 

Anyways, I love you all! I am having a blast. And I am feeling so much better now! Thanks for your prayers!

Hermana Becca Frei

​See: matching camisas

​el distrito outside the temple

Mas pictures. Sorry. Not sorry.

​Welcome to the district. We are very hard working and studious. Except maybe Elder Olsen. 

​This is the epitome of Mexico. Note the flag. 
​Hermana Eddy and mango friend. 
​Our district leader and companion. Elder Valentine, me, Hermana Webb, and Elder Olsen. We are buddies. 

The Chronicles of Nacho Libre


(the unconjugated form of Hola... (I have no life))

Let me just say that this week Nacho Libre has been a very real part of my life. "Do you not realize I have had diarrhea since Easters?" (If by Easters you mean last Thursday, then yes.) Haha. Ohhhhh good times. Apparently some scrawny new missionaries last week brought the Bubonic Plague or something. So EVERYBODY got sick. And we are still feeling the aftershocks every once and a while. On Saturday and Sunday half my district was at home in bed. Luckily, I was among the living for the most part! So hey, that's a perk. But now, we are all good. God answers prayers. And Priesthood Blessings are just that. A blessing. 

But don´t you worry, there were other good times to be had! For gym on Monday we played soccer with all the other Hermanas in our zone. And of course there was a torrential downpour! It was great. There was even some thunder and lightning in the distance. (In the FAR distance... we were being safe) But we were like the only missionaries to stay outside during the storm. And we enjoyed a little Mexican puddle jumping. 

Last night after dinner we had a very important district meeting. We identified each other's spirit animals. Apparently I'm The Eagle. Yes. 

And my Spanish has improved LEAPS AND BOUNDS. You don't even know. And we got 2 new investigators this week (our teachers lol) and Hermana Webb and I taught without ANY notes. Just from the heart and soul baby! And it went really well! I struggled through teaching "Jorge" how to pray, so it's still a work in progress. But leaps and bounds. Let me tell ya. 

More Spanish fun: our first week when we were still teaching our first investigator Roke, our District Leader and his companion (Elder Valentine and Elder Olsen) thought that the word "primavera" meant "the best". (It does NOT (it means the Spring (like the season))) So they taught Roke that the "¡el Evangelio es la primavera!" Haha so the gospel is the Spring. Like some sort of deep metaphor I guess. So now our District just jokes about that all the time. Good ol´español.

On Sunday we watched a recording of a devotional by Elder Bednar that was probably the primavera thing I have ever seen. (haha, but really) It was mostly about missionary work, and he invited us to buy a new paperback copy of the Book of Mormon and read it all the way through and mark it up with a specific question in mind. So on Monday I went to the tienda, bought one for 14 pesos, and it has been the best experience ever. If any of you want to do it, I would recommend it with two enthusiastic thumbs up. 

But seriously, I love this gospel. I love being a missionary. Once in a while we will be doing stuff with our district and somebody will be like, "whoa guys! Were missionaries!" It´s so unreal! And it´s so great! There is nothing. Literally nothing. I would rather be doing right now. The Mexico CCM is so beautiful and peaceful. And the spirit is everywhere. I know that this is the place I need to be right now, and I have never been happier. I feel like I was born to do this. Maybe I was. Who knows? God does. And trusting in the Lord is the best thing. Because His plan for us will make us a bazillion times happier than our plan ever would. 

I love you all! The church is true! 

Hermana Becca Frei

P.S. Shout out to my cousin Joe for getting engaged! you´re the man! When´s the wedding? 18 months? Please. jk. but really.... please. 

Also, shout out to Grandma Duncan, Po, and B! Happy (late) Birthday!

Also, plot twist: Narnia is in Mexico City. We have proof. 

Inline image 1
Look who I found in Mexico?? Hermana Rachel Stoddard! But she has left me for bigger and better things. Like Seattle.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Hola mi familia y amigos!

Ok, I'm done. Welcome to the extent of my español. Also, look at the title and then look back at today's date. No, it's not December, but it's P-day! P-day = Christmas. So if you do the math, yesterday was Christmas Evie! Haha, so yeah, the last couple of days have been so great and full of anticipation to take a break, wash some clothes, and write to y'all. 

It feels like I have been here in the glorious CCM forEVER. And like a good forever. Like "families can be together forever", type of forever. It's LITERALLY the best place ever. Like every time I walk out of my cute little baby casa (oh, hey! español!) I am just in awe of this place. Flying to Mexico was pretty uneventful. Mom and Dad, I talked to the Elder that was flying with me from SeaTac. He was just a BABY. But so nice. I can't remember his name or where he was going, but it was fun to chat for a bit. When we got to Phoenix it was like a missionary Jamboree. It was awesome. There was a group of about 30 missionaries just excited as can be. The flight from Phoenix was LONG but I've suffered through worse. It was just a pain to not have a phone to entertain me. But that's in the past. I sat by Elder Olsen on that plane ride and lo and behold, he's in my district! He's SO FUNNY, 18 years old, and a little hick from Sterling, UT going to Ecuador. But really though, so funny. The bus ride from the airport to the CCM was awesome because we got to drive through the heart of the City. It was so beautiful and grungy at the same time! So cool! I wish I got some pictures... Oh well. I'm not in America anymore though. 

After all was said and done, we got to the CCM around 5 pm. Good times. And it RAINED. And it POURED. and HOLY LIGHTNING. There were bolts of lightning on the CCM campus. Gratefully we got stuck in lock down in the cafeteria (or comedor for all you español savvy people). Really though, I couldn't have asked for a better place to be stuck in for a few hours. And the rainy season is no joke here. 

Anyways, I finally met up with my awesome companion at like 9 pm. And guess what? I hung out with her at BYU one time. We have mutual friends! We hung out at McDonald's one night at like 1 am. Oh Provo, good times. But yeah, her name is Hermana Webb and we are sooooo similar, it's not even funny. Like we both have an aversion to hugs, and we both have a mutual love in Parks and Rec. And mutual friends... blah blah. But yeah it's such a small Mormon world. 

Our first official day at the CCM was crazy. our alarm didn't go off that morning so we woke up at like 8:30. which is 2 hours later than when we were supposed to wake up... haha whoops. What are you going to do? But from there we hit the ground running. My Spanish has grown SO MUCH it's not even funny. And we have already taught 3 lessons to our progressing investigator, Roke (He's fake. rumor has it he turns into our teacher. I feel kinda weird about that). Luckily Hna Webb is basically pro at español, so she does most of the talking. But I put in my 2 cents (pesos?) here and there. Like "yo sé que jesucristo es el salvador" (I know that Jesus Christ is the Savior). It's a work in progress. My district is AMAZING. There are 4 Hermanas and 8 Elders total. We get along probably too well. And sometimes it's hard to focus and study because we just have too much fun all day long! But we manage. No worries. One of the Elders, Elder Nielson is 6'10". No joke. He is enormous. And from Parma, ID. Just a huge baby farm boy. Not even kidding. So we have him reach up and turn on the projector for class and stuff. 

On Sunday I volunteered my piano services since we sang to a CD. Never again. Thanks Mom, you were right. I guess piano is useful. Maybe. Haha, jk, it is. 

Well, I love you all! The church is true! I am having the time of my life. Also, I am in the journaling climax of my life. It's pretty awesome. I don't think I have ever thought about the gospel this much EVER. And I absolutely love it. I DO know that Jesus Christ is the Savior. And I love him so much. Because I love him, I want to keep his commandments ALL the time (John 14:15). It is truly his gospel, not Joseph Smith's. And I want to share the gospel with all the world. But I guess Boston will suffice for now. :) 

Con muchisimo amor,

Hermana Becca Frei

(Sometimes I still call myself Bex, whoops) 

So excited about that tag. You don´t even know.

The Hermanas in District 16B. Hna Andrews, Eddy, Webb, and Frei.