Monday, October 27, 2014


It doesn't really matter if I want to or not, because Bridgeport 2nd Ward is EXPLODING. This past Wednesday we had transfers, and I said ciao to my dear baby trainer, Hna Kemp. We only had 6 weeks together, but she taught me so much. And now with my new companion, Hna Heileson, I find myself saying things exactly how Hna Kemp would say things. SO WEIRD.

But Hna Heileson is so AWESOME and I love her to pieces. And so do our members. I have seen such a great outpouring of love from our members. FOR EXAMPLE: We passed around a dinner calendar on Sunday for the month of November, and literally only 3 days weren't filled. It's gonna be crazy. I might have to start letting out my skirts. Haha, jk. maybe. 

But dang, we found a part-member family in our ward that we are going to start working with, and they are Peruvian. For those of you who haven't been blessed to know: Peruvian food = the best food. So we feed them spiritually and they feed us physically. And also spiritually. It's a win-win. 

Guys, this week has just been so amazing. We have been going around meeting with the auxiliary presidents in our ward and having "interviews" with them. We ask them about their vision for their group of people, how we can help, and who we can focus on. And wow. Just wow. Our Relief Society President had the most touching vision. And everyone has given us specific assignments, and it's just great. Every night when I go to bed I can hardly sleep because I'm just so excited! But no worries, I'm sleeping fine. Because we run around like crazy all day every day. 

Fun event this week: we almost got into a car accident! My comp was driving and she didn't check her blind-spot, and we almost side-swiped him. But instead we forced him off the road. Good times. Thankfully we were both only going like 25 mph, so nobody got hurt. His car got a little banged up though. And I saved the day! I got all the info we needed from him, and got him calm, and Hna Heileson calm. We'll probs bring him cookies or something. 

But other than that, I am alive and well! No worries, God is watching over me. And His hand is helping guide our work. This area is such a crazy melting pot. In one day I heard Amharic (Ethiopian), Turkish, and Mandarin (ok, and spanish too) all in one day! And I'm gonna learn them all! Hahahahaha. yeah no. Anyways, God bless you all. And remember to give thanks for all your many blessings! 

Con Amor,

Hna Frei

Monday, October 20, 2014

I may have found the best pizza in the world


I don't think I've ever eaten so much delicious food in one week all my life. And as my subject line states, I think I've found the perfect pizza. The pizza place is called Frank Pepe's Pizza and it's only in CT. But WOW. A member took us out to eat there on Saturday for lunch and we each ate an entire pizza. And I loved every minute of it. But brace yourselves for 500 lb Hermana Frei... It's great. 

But really though, our members just love us so much, so they feed us their entire kitchen every time we come over. It got so bad one time that Hna Kemp hid some nasty plantains in a napkin, shoved 'em up her skirt, and ran to the bathroom to flush it down the toilet. It was quite the circus act. She has skills, what can I say? Haha, it was so funny. And people will give us food to take home with us as well. Like right now we have a million cupcakes and Brazilian bon-bons in our fridge. The struggle is so real. 

The other day I knew that we were going to eat A LOT. So that morning I prayed that I would be able to get through it all and not feel terrible. And lo and behold, that night Hna Kemp was moaning and groaning and I could have eaten another Hispanic meal! God provides, and he helps us bear our burdens. He really does care about us, no matter how trivial the problem may seem. 

But other than that, the work is moving forward! Mostly we have been visiting people so that they can say good bye to Hna Kemp, but our lessons have been great! We have Rodrigo committed to pray about a baptismal date, and we are now teaching his sister as well! So pray for them! We have had 2 members at each of their lessons this past week, which is so awesome. Sometimes it's hard to find just 1 member, and now everyone wants to help! Gotta love it! 

But this next week should be interesting. It's time for the changing of the guard in Bridgeport. Saturday night the text came, and my new companion is........... Hna Heileson! She is serving in New Haven right now, but she is in our zone, so I already know who she is. I'm thinking that this next transfer is gonna be full of miracles. And we are going to work HARD. But yeah, I will officially "kill" Hna Kemp on Wednesday, and then on Thursday Hna Heileson and I are gonna hit the ground running. 

I appreciate all of the love and support I receive from all y'all! This church is so true. And like I said before, God cares about us. No matter what our circumstances may be. Whether you're an over-fed missionary in Bridgeport, or [insert your circumstances here] God loves us all the same. He may not take away your burdens, but He will give you strength to bear them. 

Con amor,

Hermana Frei

Monday, October 13, 2014

I love to see the temple and went inside Wednesday…

Sorry about the corny title, but it's true! We got to go to the Boston temple this past Wednesday at it was absolutely beautiful!

But first things first, last p-day we went hiking as a zone at Sleeping Giant State Park here in CT. It was amazing. We hiked the sleeping giant "mountain" (slightly exaggerated hill) and we also went to the weird castle thing that was on top of another hill. Good times. There were lots of fall colors everywhere, and beautiful scenery. I JUST LOVE HIKING. And even though it was pretty wimpy, it fulfilled my urge to get outside and become one with nature (call me crazy hippy lady I guess). 

This past Tuesday was CRAZY. We ate SO MUCH food and had a bazillion appointments, including teaching both of our investigators. We met with Emily who is 17 and wants to get baptized. But she is waiting for support from her parents. But she is dating a guy in our ward and she's basically already Mormon. Like she has already been to Palmyra and the pageant there. WHO DOES THAT?! So we had a really good visit with her. And we also taught Rodrigo who is 13. Something crazy happened when we got to his house though. His mom answered the door, and we were like "oh no! she doesn't want us here!" But it was the EXACT OPPOSITE. She was like "Take my son to church, he needs to go. He needs a positive influence in his life." And we said OK. And he went to mutual last Wednesday! HAHA! So exciting! We are trying to teach his mom now too. Pray for the Tello family, por favor. 

But ok, the crowning event of this past week was RETURN AND REPORT. It was a meeting we had in Boston in the chapel right next to the temple. All the greenies and their trainers met together and we got trained by President and Sister Packard. They taught us, they chastised us, they fed us. It was wonderful. And after the meeting we all went to the temple! I couldn't find a family name ready to be printed, so Sister Packard gave us some of her family names. It was such an incredible experience. The Boston Temple is GORGEOUS. Probably one of the prettiest I have been in.

Of course, after the meeting we went out to eat (what is missionary life?). We went to Chiptole and the manager there paid for Hna Kemp's food. It was so nice! We were car-pooling with some elders in our district and the trainer, Elder Lefthand (let the record show that he is right handed...) had served in Boston for a while so we drove around Boston. IT WAS SO PRETTY. HELP IM IN LOVE. We drove through Harvard and MIT campuses...

Sorry Mom, I'm never coming home. 

But wow. Just wow. New England has my heart. That's all. I hope eventually I get to serve in Boston. Because it is literally the coolest city I have ever been to. And I've been to some cool cities, ok. Gah. Ok, I'll stop. But Boston. Just dwell on that. I have to remind myself that I'm not here to be a tourist. But I've got some mad charity in my heart for the people of Boston. 

Anyways, truth is prevailing here in Bridgeport! This Friday I get to know who my new companion is! Hna Kemp leaves me on the 22nd... No bueno. But it's fine. God is taking care of us and his children. 

Love you all! Sorry about the novel, I know. 

Con muchisimo amor,

Hermana Frei

Monday, October 6, 2014

Strength Faithened!

Hi, I'm just going to warn everybody now. I will probably mention general conference like a bajillion times in this email. So BRACE YOURSELVES. Also, the subject of this email is my favorite quote from #LDSconf EVER. When the guy prayed in the Sunday afternoon session he had a bad case of the switcheroos, so he said "strength faithened" instead of "faith strengthened." But you know what? It works. I know that I have been given a lot of strength from God throughout my life, and especially now. But I could really enhance that strength if I only FAITHED HARDER.

But yeah, I learned more from conference than just a mess up in a prayer, don't worry. Haha. For those of you who don't know what General Conference is, it is the BEST SEMIANNUAL EVENT OF THE YEAR. I'm trying to think of other awesome semiannual events that occur throughout the world to compare it to, BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE IT'S JUST THAT GOOD. But in all seriousness, it is a time to gather and listen to the prophet and apostles of our church give us counsel and instruction from God. It's awesome. And it's for the entire world, not just members of our church. So I would invite you to check out and come and see what it's all about. 

My favorite talks were by Jeffery R. Holland and Henry B. Eyring for sure. It touched me so much when those two great men started tearing up at the pulpit and testifying of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. HE LIVES. And His is a mission of perfect love and compassion. If you are feeling down and in the dumps I would suggest you go take some time to read the scriptures, pray, and then go serve someone. And it doesn't need to take up a huge amount of time. Just a smidgen. I know that because I get to read the good word, pray, and serve all day, everyday that I am infinitely more happy than I have ever been in my life. It's crazy.

Yesterday after conference Hna Kemp and I got stranded at the chapel and decided to walk back to our apartment... Which is only 2 miles away, but it was getting pretty dark and we had an appointment in 1/2 an hour. So we were speed walking. And it was so fun. I pulled a Bilbo Baggins and clicked my heels and yelled, "I'M GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!" Rest assured that we were very safe, since we were walking through the good neighborhoods of Bridgeport. And now I wish I lived in a walking area. Cars just separate you from the people and nature. But I am thankful for our car. No worries. 

Anyways, I don't have any pictures this week since I'm a bum. So that's sad. But I love you all! God cares about each and every one of you! 

Have a good week!

Hermana Frei