Monday, April 27, 2015

Well friends, it's been good times. 

Highlights of the week in the Worcester Spanish Branch of Zion:

I was present in the best restoration lesson I have ever witnessed in my life. Nuff said. So 2 weeks ago we contacted a Dominican man cleaning his minivan in the parking lot of the projects, so naturally we contacted him. We've taught him and his family a couple times, and this past week we taught the restoration and we had our branch president and his wife with us at the lesson. They bore powerful testimony of how the gospel has blessed their family, and they shared several personal experiences that brought the spirit SO STRONG. I've never felt the spirit so strong in a lesson before. It was loco. 

Also, I acquired 2 new abuelitas in 2 days flat. Through my own good looks and charisma obviously. Let's be honest, Sister Martinez goes to Mexican town with all the people we visit, and I just sit there and smile and wave. Just smile and wave, boys. Just smile and wave.

In other news, we became the district taxi service since the Elders and English Sisters are both completely out of miles. It's been good times having extra bodies in the back seat... That was weird phrasing. To be clear, we don't usually have bodies in the back seat... 

To top it all off, we served so hard core. We probably had like 5 million years of community service this week! It was great! We went to a soup kitchen, the bishop's storehouse, and the #Working4Worcester cleanup throughout the course of 7 days. That's right, folks. 7 days. 1 week. 5 million years. You do the math. 

Anyways, I love life! It has been such an amazing and miraculous week. The church is true. You know how I know that? Through the power of the Holy Ghost. See Moroni 10:5. Never take for granted the companionship of the Holy Ghost. Do whatever possible to make sure that you are worthy of that companionship. 

I love you all!

Er-min-uh Frei

Monday, April 20, 2015

Marathon Monday Madness

Well folks, happy Patriots Day! 

I've been up since 2:30 this morning to kick-off the New England festivities. We went to a re-enactment of the Battle of Lexington in Lexington, MA (hey, who would have thought that the Battle of Lexington would be in Lexington?? weird) And there is still more to be done! Soooooo yeah I don't really have time to stay and chat, because I've got a world famous marathon to attend! nbd... 

One day I will be running in it, not just spectating. 

Also, if anyone ever wants to spot me a few bucks so I can go to a Sox game that would be sweet. No? ok... It's whatevs :) 

Love you all!

Con amor,

Hermana Frei

Monday, April 13, 2015

Welcome to Woostah

Hello Hello! 

It has been a crazy and wild week my friends. Whoa. 

It is so hard to leave a place that you know and love so much. And then you think you'll never be able to love people the same and BAZZINGA! All of the sudden you love people EVEN MORE. Whatever. 

But whoa. Spanish is mad real. Is this real life? Yes. Yes, it is. The first few days that Hermana Martinez and I had together were SO BUSY. And I went home with a super crazy headache. My friends, my Spanish is not what it used to be. But it is becoming so much better already. It hasn't even been a week and I'm already a million times better than I was. I love Hna Martinez. And not just because she is a beautiful Mexican woman. (But she totally is) Haha, anyways, it has been super rad. 

Yesterday was super wicked warm and after church we went to stop by a potential investigator's house... AND! they weren't there. But never fear, there was a park across the street that was hopping with Latino families. And you best believe that we took advantage of that. We met a really awesome Ecuadorian guy there and taught him about the Book of Mormon in one fell swoop. We set up a return appointment and BAM! New investigator? I think yes. 

So yeah. Has the day of miracles ceased??? That's right. I say unto you nay. 

I love Worcester. I love my companion. I love my roommates. I love my area. I love my district. I love my zone. I love my mission. I love Spanish. I love Hispanics. I love their food. We talked to two Puerto Rican ladies on the street yesterday for LITERALLY 20 minutes about food. That was loco. I LOVE LIFE!

Also, you already know how much I love this gospel and my Savior Jesus Christ. But let me reiterate it to you again. I love my Savior. I love, love, LOVE being his representative. 

Have a great week!


Hermana (eh? EH?) Frei

Monday, April 6, 2015

Beloved Boston

Well, Boston. It's been good. But it's time to break up. That's right. The Worcester Spanish Branch has a lot more potential, and I think we will probably be soul mates. So yeah. Deuces. 

Whoooo. Glad I got that off my chest. That's right, folks. It's the most wonderful time of the year: transfers. Ugh. I really have mixed feelings about this change. I love Boston with all my little, baby heart, and even more, I love the people here. There have been so many miracles wrought here, and I have the best companion in the entire world. So what. Ever. Get out transfers. And don't come back! But on the flip side, I'M GOING BACK TO SPANISH!!! My native tongue! Haha lol. I'm probably gonna look like a fool out there and embarrass myself, but that's fine. It's just like riding a bike, right? :) 

Hahahaha. Ai ai ai ai! 

This week was awesome! I wish that I had a cool story for you guys to make you chuckle... But honestly every day is a hoot and a holler. Sister Thompson and I probably have too much fun. 

But in other news, how about that general conference?! No big deal, just the modern apostles and prophets of our day talking to us and letting us know God's love for us. Coming in MAJOR clutch. My insights from it all: families are SO important. Like, whoa. If I had a dollar for every time someone mentioned families I would have more than one dollar, that's for sure. :) Another theme: perspective and priorities. It's all about that eternal life, am I right, folks? God loves us SO MUCH and He wants us to become like Him. But life is crazy and people get distracted so don't forget what is actually important! I am so guilty of that sometimes, but I am striving to be better. From how I pray, to how often and intently I read my scriptures. 

Anyways, you heard the men! Let me know what you guys thought. What struck you? What nuggets of gold did you pan out of there? What changes do you plan on making in your life to align your will more with God's? 

I love you all! I love this gospel and I know that this church is true! I sustain our prophet and apostles with all my heart! They are truly inspired men of God. 

Have a fantastic week!


Sister Hermana Misionera Libre Gratis Frei