Monday, May 25, 2015

Ai ai ai


It's been an amazing week! All about that faith, hope, charity, and love! You know what I'm saying? Today while I was in the temple I was trying to seek some major revelation for our area in Worcester. We have a million investigators and none of them are progressing towards baptism. A part of me wants to just throw in the towel and drop them all. But then I realize that conversion doesn't happen over night, as much as I wish it did. WhatEVER. I need to be more patient and teach towards conversion using the Book of Mormon. It was good times. Truly I just love the temple. I am able to feel so much peace and tranquility and all the clouds are cleared from my mind. I just love Heavenly Father for providing us with a place where we can go to receive so much clarity. 

It's kinda like doing yoga with waaaaaayyyy less work. 

I hope that we can help these people come unto Christ and firmly grasp the iron rod. Sometimes missionary work can be frustrating and you can't always see the fruits of your labors. Last week I kept asking myself "What are we doing wrong?" and then I thought, "What am I doing wrong?" And then I realized that while I can always improve as a person/missionary, sometimes you're not "doing something wrong" per say. Sometimes you receive no witness until after the trial of your faith, ya know?

So yeah, good times. Also, we are super excited in Worcester to have another go at Zion in our district! I love all of the people that I work with so much. They are the best in the whole world. 


Have a good week!

Con amor,

Hermana Frei

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sally forth!

Howdy, folks!

Shout out to my Dad who turned 55 this past week! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPI!! 

Life is great! The weather is bipolar (what's new?) and we saw some pretty sweet miracles this week. Literally we met a lady named Milagro. And for all you gringos out there, Milagro means miracle in Spanish. You're welcome. 

Haha, but really, that story is whack. Sister Martinez and I were being good, diligent missionaries tracking down a less active, and he wasn't a very happy camper... BUT! We knocked on his neighbor's door across the hall and she totally welcomed us in. Her name was Ana, and the reason she let us in was really funny, actually. She LOVED my glasses and she wanted to try them on. Literally, that's why she let us in. Then we proceeded to help her order glasses on (why, yes. that was an endorsement for zenni. I love that site! (Right now you might be thinking: not sure if missionary email or a zenni advertisement... you decide)) because she doesn't read a lick of English and then she accepted an invitation to hear more about the gospel. And the best part is: her friend's name is Milagro. So yeah. That was a weird evening. And we smelled like a smoke stack afterwards, but it's fine. Teaching the Word of Wisdom will be fun for sursies.  

What's more, I got an ice cream cone from McDonald's that had a crazier angle goin on than the Leaning Tower of Pisa. It was an engineering marvel of the modern world, my friends. 

Well, I love this gospel. A scripture that has really resonated with me this past week and going into this next transfer (ooop, another miracle! Sister Martinez and I get another 6 weeks together!!) is Ether 12:6. Or if you really want a good read, go for gold and read the entire chapter! I know that faith precedes the miracle. And sometimes when you feel like you're just banging your head against a wall, take a breather and check your faith, hope, and charity. The gospel is true! 

I love you all! Have a great week! Sally forth!

Con Amor,

Er-min-uh Frei

Monday, May 11, 2015

Oh mama!

Shout out to all my Moms out there! 


#raisingtherisinggeneration #aszionsyouthinlatterdays 

Tender Mercy of the Lord/Adventure of the Week:

On Saturday Sister Martinez and I went on splits with the Portable Visitors Center Sisters to help them out. It was a lot of fun! I went with Sister Merkley to Madison, CT and Sister Martinez went with Sister Bybee to Peterborough, NH. Literally opposite ends of the mission. Haha. #ROADTRIP It was a lot of fun and we got to work with the Visitors Center stuff that the MBM has made and produced. No big deal. So anyways, that took all day. That night we went to Chik-fil-A (the only Chik-fil-a on this side of the US pretty sure) and it took us FOREVER to get there. The GPS had us going crazy. But when we finally got there, they gave us free sandwiches!! Tender mercy of the Lord? most definitely. 

So yeah that was pretty exciting. The work of salvation is moving along real nice. Real nice. I love you all and I hope that you all had an excellent Mother's Day. I am so grateful for all the kind and loving women who have influenced my life. Someday I hope to be more than a crazy cat lady. It's a work in progress, my friends. 

Anyways, I feel weird emailing since I just talked to half of you on G+ yesterday. So over and out, I guess.

Hasta Luego!

Hermana Frei

Monday, May 4, 2015

Popcorn popping all up in here

Querida familia y amigos,

This week has been such a great week! Right now we are teaching several families, and I love them all so dearly! We had such a tender experience Thursday night with a Guatemalan family. They have 2 little kids, a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old, and they are the cutest little family EVER. Hna Martinez and I were over there when the dad came home from work and it was a super precious and tender moment. He took time to hug and kiss the kids and make them laugh. Afterwards I felt that we should digress from our lesson plans from earlier that morning and share a Mormon Message with them. We watched "Earthly Father, Heavenly Father" and the mom was crying afterwards. 


The Spirit was SO STRONG, and hung tangibly in the air. I probably could have cut it with a knife, but I don't think that would be an appropriate way to treat the Spirit. We were able to bare testimony that what they were feeling was the Holy Ghost, and we read a little bit from the Book of Mormon and invited them to take Moroni's challenge. I hope and pray that they will do it and be able to recognize the promptings of the Spirit as they read and pray. Walking out of that house that night I felt like the Joker from Batman walking out of the exploding hospital. 

Mischief Managed.

In other news, aside from preaching the gospel and bringing forth tidings of great joy, spring is FINALLY upon us! Flowers are out, the trees are budding, and popcorn is most definitely popping on the apricot tree. And when mother nature is lookin' good, we all are lookin' good. So we had some pretty rad photo ops. Gotta love it. 

Also this week we had interviews with President Packard! On Tuesday we got to go to the mission home for the first time since I flew in to the MBM! I got to play on their baby grand piano, eat delicious American food, get trained by our wonderful Sister Training Leaders and Zone Leaders, and have a personal conversation with my awesome mission president and his wife. They are just the coolest people ever. I will miss them dearly when they leave in July. One day I hope to be as awesome as them. And probably one day we will be seeing President Packard speaking from the pulpit at the conference center. No big deal. 

Anyways, I want you all to know how much I love you. I do. I really do. Also, I know that this church is true, without a shadow of a doubt. I am so grateful for all the many blessings I have received and all the miracles I have witnessed as I have been an emissary of the Lord. I love you all, and I hope you have a great week!

Con amor,

Hermana Frei