Monday, June 29, 2015

Las Tres Mosqueteras

Welcome, Welcome (Sabbath morning...)!

Ok, you're right. It's not the Sabbath. You got me. 

So hey, this week was a wild ride! We were all over the place! We had a fantastic p-day last Monday walking the freedom trail and having all sorts of adventures in Boston. Complete with a ferry ride/my only experience riding a boat on my mission probably. It felt very rejuvenating and rebellious of me, even though we are allowed to ride ferries. Bottom line: it was enjoyable and reminded me of home.

We had to say farewell to our dear mission president and his wife! On Friday we had a special farewell conference and it was a very emotional time for everybody involved. All I have to say is that the hymn "God Be With You Till We Meet Again" should be illegal. Holy bawl fest. Ugh. But we are SO STOKED for the Millers to get here! Sister Packard talked about welcoming in the Millers with open arms and she had a picture of them projected on the screen and it just felt right. They are the ones for the job! Saturday was transfer meeting and Sister Martinez and I got to go because Sister Alexander is our 3rd companion for 5 days! WEEEEE. And has been so fun.

So. Fun.

Yesterday we had an appointment with an investigator that fell through so naturally we knocked on their neighbor's door... And they were refugees from Iraq who didn't speak a lick of English! Or Spanish... So they were totally out of our area of expertise. But we passed around their smartphone with google translate and we had a great conversation with them! Haha... It was really funny. Good stuff. I love being a missionary. Because you can just walk into a random strangers' home and they will sit you down and bring you juice and listen intently to what you have to say to them. 

De verdad, I just love this work. I love being able to learn new things and grow my testimony. I KNOW that God is real and that He hears and answers our prayers. I know that He loves all of His children. I know that He is my Father in Heaven and that His goal for me is to become like Him to enjoy all the blessings that He enjoys. Keep the faith, my friends! Thanks for all the Birthday wishes! 20 is weird, I know. 

Love you all!

Erminuh Frei

Monday, June 22, 2015

There she goes again

Well folks, 

I've survived another round of transfer texts unscathed! Sister Martinez and I get to work together for a 3rd transfer here in Worcester!! Woot woot! If I come home Mexican, you will all know why. Since Sister Alexander (one of the English Sisters) is going to train and there is a bit of a delay between transfer meeting and new arrivals we get to be in a trio for 5 days! It's gonna be crazy. Sister Alexander and I have always joked about us being companions and here we are. We'll teach her how to pray in Spanish and how to choke down mountains of rice and she'll be an honorary Spanish Sister! Haha, but really though, I am so grateful to be staying here with Sister Martinez. There are so many great things in store for this area! Namely: Oscar has a baptismal date!

After 2 full transfers of flaky investigators who were going absolutely nowhere, we've caught ourselves a live one! Actually more than just one! Yesterday we had 9 investigators at church again, which was wicked sweet! 

Anyways, we are super stoked, and loving life! Yesterday I could hardly sleep because I was so excited. We are going in to Boston today too, so it's gonna be good times! Love you all!

Have a wonderful week!


Erminuh Frei

Monday, June 15, 2015

Watermelons, Matrimony, and Tender Mercies


You know you had a good week when you're just exhausted on Monday. So tired. I....... Help...... Mom? Haha, jk! Ok, yeah, like I'm pretty tired, but good tired! Like I just ran a 1/2 marathon tired! And the good news is: I get to run another one tomorrow! And I'm not even saying that sarcastically! You already know how much I love running! And the same applies to missionary work! I love it!

So last week on pday we got the crew together and carved some watermelons! You heard right! We had a good time as a zone doing what people normally do in October in June. Yeehaw!  Carving watermelons is actually really fun. I recommend. Plus it's a lot more fun to eat the gooey insides of a watermelon than a pumpkin, so that's a perk. 

Also, we had another hispanic marriage at the chapel, and we got the PVC there and picked up some potentials! Meanwhile eating some really good food, and listening to non-approved music. Awwww yeah. (Don't worry folks, I'm actually not that apostate. Not really a huge fan of hispanic music... gross) It was awesome to show people the exhibit about Jesus Christ and watch the "Because of Him" video over and over. I don't think I'll ever get tired of that video. The spirit is strong with that one. Also, we were able to do some member service and help the relief society set up for the reception, and it reminded me of all the wedding good times I've had! I think I'm gonna change my major from Biochemistry to Wedding Planning. That's a thing, right? 

And now, for my favorite part of the show: 

Tender Mercies of the Lord

So this past week we kinda lost contact with our most promising and progressing investigator, Oscar. He cancelled our appointment on Saturday without rescheduling, and didn't come to church yesterday... It was really freaking me out. All I could think about was the possibility that he stumbled upon some crazy anti-Mormon literature on the internet, or he got turned off last Sunday when one of our recent converts went off in Priesthood about how the Bible isn't true.... Ai ai ai ai. (FYI We believe the Bible to be the word of God, as far as it is translated correctly) BUT! I just kept a prayer in my heart that we would be able to see him that day, and, what do you know? God answers prayers, my friends! Turns out Oscar just had car troubles, and we were able to visit him last night and discuss some of his questions and doubts about the Book of Mormon. It was great! We had our branch president with us and he fielded almost all of his questions. Members, folks. Members.  

Tender Mercy numero dos: One of our recent converts has been struggling with her testimony and the word of wisdom, and we have been trying to get her back on the right path. (cling to that iron rod!) So yesterday we sent out a text to her and a few other people in the branch to remind them to read their scriptures, and she immediately called us! She said that she was having a crumby day and was feeling spiritually weird and physically ill and she saw the Book of Mormon on her ottoman and started to read it! And she opened up to exactly what she needed at that moment. Then she proceeded to testify that she knows the church is true and that God loves her. And it just melted my little baby heart.

I know that God loves all of his children! I know that because He has blessed me with a wonderful family that loves and supports me, He has given us a prophet to lead and guide us, and He has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to show us the way home. 

It doesn't get any better than this!

Love you all!

Erminuh Frei

Monday, June 8, 2015

My big fat greek wedding

Ai ai ai. Has another week passed by already? Good heavens to Betsy! SLOW DOWN.

Ok, you're right. I should stop yelling. Man, God is good. I'm glad to find you all in good health. Last week I got like 4 emails including an email about how I was using my monthly funds... So either everyone was too busy partying (in which case, rock, rock on) or the world was ending. But hey, this week was better, so it appears that everyone was just having a good time. 

Party on, Garth? 

Party on, Wayne!

Well, yesterday was a flat out miracle. There is honestly no explanation. Ok, so picture this: my first Sunday in Worcester. We had a good, healthy attendance of 30 people at church. Every week since, the Branch has steadily crept to a solid 45 people in attendance. Not too shabby, right? Usually we have 1 to 2 investigators at church on a REALLY good day. We're talking the stars aligning REALLY good. Real good. (my word, where has my english gone?) And folks, yesterday we had 60+ people there and 9 solid investigators. 

Yes. Please, take a double take at those numbers. And then say a prayer of gratitude in behalf of this very humble missionary. As I was playing prelude I looked out at the congregation, looked back at the hymn book, then did a classic Nacho Libre double take (if you have no idea what I am referring to, please go watch the fore-mentioned classic when Nacho visits the "dead guy"). Daggum. There were a lot of people! Also, testimony meetings in our Spanish Branch are just super tender. I wish you all could have been there yesterday to just feed your souls from the presence of the Spirit in the room. 

I know that God has a hand in this work. Sometimes I think that I'm in this alone, and that's just a big, fat, (greek? no no no) lie! He never forsakes us, nor will he ever. Keep the faith, and never stop being awesome (and attractive)! I love you all, and God loves you more! Food for thought: How are you going to seek the guidance of the Spirit today?

Bueno, hasta luego!

Con amor,

Erminuh Frei

Monday, June 1, 2015

It's True.

My friends, 

this week was probably one of the most memorable of my mission. And since my mission is 100 times more exciting and memorable than real life, it was THE most memorable week of my life. 

Why is that, you might ask? Well, we saw multiple miracles, picked up several new investigators, and the climax was last night at the conferencia latina. Elder Jeffery R. Holland, an apostle of the Lord, came to the Boston Stake Center and talked to all the Latinos in the New England area including several of our investigators and less active members. And it was the most amazing experience of my life. 

I really don't know what else to say. 

I wasn't questioning my testimony or my conviction, but last night as I sat there listening, the Holy Spirit of God testified to me that this is the true church of God on the earth. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to be truly happy in THIS life as well as in the life to come.

It's true. It's all true. 

If you are struggling and questioning the reality of God or the truthfulness of the church, I beg you to come unto Christ. Stand ye in holy places and be not moved. Make your home a sanctuary in this crazy world, attend you weekly church meetings and strive to partake of the sacrament worthily. Elder Holland said, "We need you to come to church because YOU need to come to church." I know that is true. Don't make excuses. Attend the temple. Put God before all else. Literally, before ye seek for riches, seek ye first the kingdom of God.

If you want to be happy He is the truth, the way, and the life. 

It's true.

Con amor,

Hermana Frei