Monday, August 31, 2015

"I will be on your right hand and on your left... mine angels round about you, to bear you up"


I just love D&C 84:88, thus it is my subject line. I just feel so blessed. Shout out to my hermana, Stephanie, for giving birth to a strapping baby child on Wednesday! #FreiDomination #letsgooooooo 

Steph's all, "#AnythingForTheKingdom" am I right? 

Welcome to the world little Romy! Always remember: Frei's are fighters... not food. 

Anyways, this past week has been a BLAST! However, almost half of it was spent in meetings and moving. That's right, folks! We have a new apartment! It's pretty rad. But it was weird not actively proselyting for a full day because we were just hauling boxes and cleaning house. But! We had some great lessons this week!

Here are a few of the highlights:

Say hello again to Emy! We were finally able to reconnect with her and dive into the Book of Mormon together again. Also, welcome aboard to our good friend Reymand! We met him at the Puerto Rican festival and we had a nice chat with him. He is a recovered drug addict, and he was pretty deep into the whole Grand Theft Auto scene back in the day. When he described his past life to us I could just imagine him as a character in GTA5. It really warmed my heart when he said the closing prayer and prayed for the safety of our car. Lol. 

Thanks for being so awesome. All of you. Thanks for your love and support. I couldn't do this without you. You are the angels who are round about me, bearing me up.

Well, have a great day! Share the gospel! Go... read some books!

Con amor, 

Hermana Frei

Monday, August 24, 2015

"The Only Unconditional Surrender Which is Also a Total Victory"

Howdy folks! 

Shout out to my girl Tara for giving birth to a bouncing baby girl! I love you guys and I have been praying for your welfare. I'm super excited to one day get to meet little Josie :) Also, I was just gonna write a paragraph about how tired I am, but I didn't give birth or anything, so I have NO ROOM to complain... haha. Perspective. Gotta love that.

This week has been so rewarding! We picked up some new investigators, and I feel like my perspective on life has seriously broadened. Right now on the digital mission we are skyping with a guy in Venezuela and he is hardcore Catholic! It has caused me to really think deeply about the basic doctrines that I teach, know, and love. How grateful I am for the restored truths of the gospel and the guidance from prophets called of God! Also, Sister Barney and I are on a quest for consecration and that has changed my perspective on a lot of things. It's a fun quest! Let me tell ya :) You're all invited!

It's been cooling down lately around here, which is much appreciated, and it's been misty like everyday. #there'snoplacelikehome Thus, there's been all sorts of cool sunsets with the clouds, and lots of frizzy hair. Let me tell ya, folks. It's the lucha getting ready in the morning. Like should I try to look like a beautiful, beaming representative of Jesus Christ, or should I just leave my hair wet and get on with my life? Usually I do the latter, but yeah. Good stuff. That's probably why God wanted me to train, so that I could get a little greenie fire going when I get ready in the mornings...

Haha, anyways, that's just a sneak-peak into my life. In other news... I love you all! I love this gospel! I'm gonna leave you with an excerpt from one of my favorite talks: "In conclusion, the submission of one’s will is really the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar. The many other things we “give,” brothers and sisters, are actually the things He has already given or loaned to us. However, when you and I finally submit ourselves, by letting our individual wills be swallowed up in God’s will, then we are really giving something to Him! It is the only possession which is truly ours to give! Consecration thus constitutes the only unconditional surrender which is also a total victory! May we deeply desire that victory, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen." (Maxwell "Swallowed Up in the Will of the Father)

Once again, I love you all! Have a great week!

Con amor,

Erminuh Frei

Monday, August 17, 2015



So I don't really have a lot of time to clown around considering we are gonna go play KICKBALL with the zone, but it has been a crazy week! We've laughed, we cried, I've gone from a Mexican comp to my good friend Sister Barney and she is awesome! She's from St. George UT and we are very similar. One of my favorite things about her is that she's a runner as well!!! Haha! FINALLY. My lanta. So we go running and explore Worcester together in the mornings. It's pretty rad. Her Spanish is like mine was in the beginning: not fabulous. But it's not bad either! So I've had to do most of the talking which isn't my favorite thing in the whole wide world. But hey, I'm growing like crazy. 

Yesterday was insane and Alicia dropped her baptismal date, so please pray for her. We're kinda back to square one with no progressing investigators right now, so pray for us as well :) The good news is our members still love us, and yesterday at lunch with the Sanchez family we had a huge brainstorming session about who they knew who would be prepared to hear the gospel. And we got a pretty lengthy list. So we're excited. I love that. 

Anyways, Sister Barney is awesome and I love her with all my little baby heart. The church is super true! Like SUPER true. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God and that we are led by a true prophet of God RIGHT NOW. 

Love you all!

Hermana Frei

Monday, August 10, 2015

Tis the season

Well, in honor of my 2 sisters who will be giving birth in the next month, I have a little announcement of my own... I'M TRAINING!!! Not quite as drastic and painful as giving birth, but hey! It's still pretty exciting. I have the opportunity to pass on my year's worth of wisdom and experience to a new little baby missionary... How tender :) I'm super stoked! 

So, as you have all probably gathered, this means that my good friend, Sister Martinez, is leaving me... How do I feel about that? Ugh. But we both knew it was coming. We've been together for about 4.5 months. That's a healthy amount of time, my friends. Good heavens! But yeah, this week has been crazy! We've been saying goodbye to everyone and their mom and we've taken a million pictures and my chin is breaking out... Mom?? 

On Friday we had interviews with our good friend and priesthood leader, President Miller. Man, that guy is great. We had a good little chat about everyday repentance, meaningful prayers, the sacrament, and the digital mission! If you want more details just ask :) Also, we went on exchanges and guess who came to Worcester with me??? My good friend Sister Thompsie! Man, we did WORK. So we had like 0 appointments set and I was a little nervous about it, but God delivered. We went tracting and LITERALLY everyone let us in. Haha, it was crazy! Also, I love Worcester because there are certain neighborhoods that are entirely Hispanic. Good stuff. 

Anyways, tender mercies my friends. I love being a missionary, and in all seriousness I am super excited to train a new missionary! Stay tuned! The gospel is true!


Hermana Frei