Monday, December 14, 2015

What child IS this?

Well, my friends. Here we go again! 

This week was AWESOME! Life is crazy, you know? Sometimes you think you've got it all figured out, and then nope. So we started off pretty normal, and we had a really nice exchange with the Scituate (pronounced sitch-oo-it... you go, New England) Sisters and it was a grand ol' time! Sister Asay and I stayed in Providence and it was just like old times! Sister Asay was my STL in Worcester and we went on exchanges there too, haha. You'd think by now she would have learned Spanish... But yeah, she goes home this next week so we had a nice chat about ending your mission. Gross. But she's handling death fairly well.

Also, Friday we had zone meeting and all that rosy good stuff! In all humility it was a great meeting! Also, midway through we received a rather peculiar text message from the mission. "Sister Frei you have received a leadership call. Please check your email." Wut? I'm already a leader...


THAT kind of leader... 

I checked my email, and what do you know? I'm training again! My last little baby transfer will be spent training a little baby missionary. I AM SO EXCITED! Literally I wasn't even expecting that. I just thought that I would live out my days quietly being an STL in Providence, but God has bigger and better things in store. Literally, I am so stoked! I LOVE training, and I LOVE everything right now. So, yeah. #training #withchild #whatchildISthis??

Also, more exciting news! I learned how to play the organ! Well, kind of. It was more like a baptism by fire. So the mission puts on a missionary musical fireside every year, and yesterday and today are the performances. I wasn't planning on being in it, but then we got a text late Saturday night by our good friends asking if I could play the organ. Lol. Well, organs don't scare me, and I sat through many an organ lesson with Stephanie back in the day, so I said I would give it a whirl. MAN those things are POWERFUL. I just followed the example of our good friend Brother Loynd and blew out the rafters with Oh Come All ye Faithful. 


New favorite instrument? I mean, maybe. I'm just a rookie, but it was fun! Look at me, Mom! I'm just developing my talents and stuff!

Also, yesterday's sacrament meeting was AWESOME. I wasn't really paying a whole lot of attention to the discursos but I learned a lot. Come, take a walk with me to the scriptures. So I was reading before church in the Book of Mormon in 3 Nephi 18 about the sacrament, and during the ordinance of the sacrament at church I flipped open to that chapter again. I LOVE verse 7! Just eating a piece of bread doesn't qualify you for the spirit, but remembering Him throughout the week is what will qualify you. Eating the bread is witnessing to God that you have remembered Him, and that you will continually remember Him. I love that! so it made me think: 

How can I remember Him more everyday? 

I invite you all to ponder that question as well. If you need any ideas, D Todd Christofferson gave a beautiful article in this month's Ensign called "Be at Peace". During this Christmas season I hope that you can all focus more on our Savior Jesus Christ and be at peace. I feel so loved and happy and emocionada for what is to come during this Christmas season and the rest of my mission. God is good! He knows us perfectly, and He knows exactly what each and every one of us needs. I'm excited to get out of my comfort zone again and train a fiery new missionary! Power to the people!

Con amor,

Hermana Frei 

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