Monday, January 11, 2016

Oh Remember, Remember

Hello friends!

Wow, this week has been full of so many tender mercies. The work has been booming! We were kept super busy finding new investigators, teaching lessons, working with our ward leadership, and inviting people to be baptized! And, after a lot of work, we finally set a date with our good friend Maria! She is scheduled to be baptized my last Saturday on the mission. I am so excited and happy for the decision that she is going to make and she is so prepared. We also have another family that is suuuuuuper close to commit to baptism. I hope that I will be able to be present to witness it. God has put so many prepared people in our path and it has been a wild ride. 

So with the recent demise of our good friend Remy, I thought my life would be pretty rodent free. But! The other night we were visiting with a less-active woman in our ward and we were reading the Book of Mormon together. All of the sudden she and Sister Hafen start FREAKING OUT and I'm just sitting there not sure what is going on... The lady jumps up off of her bed and runs to slam the door of the bathroom... I'm still just all: "wut?" Sister Hafen's all: "there's a rat! IT'S HUGE!!" hahaha. The upstairs neighbor comes down with a baseball bat to beat the thing to death in the bathroom, but when she opens the door the rat is gone... Duh duh duh! Yeah. I don't even know. It just straight up disappeared. Rats. Mice. Sneaky little dudes, my friends. Haahha. But yeah, it was awesome! I love me an exciting appointment.  

What is life?

But yeah, so that was my week. I'm grateful for the beautiful memories that I am making everyday. I am grateful that I have a journal where I can store all of these precious experiences. I have learned that I have a goldfish brain. Turns out that everything didn't develop as planned in the womb... Yikes. But really though, I forget EVERYTHING. I have made really good friends with my daily planner and journal. Here's to preserving memories! I love you all and I hope that you can reflect on the tender mercies that happened in your life this past week. The Book of Mormon in true and God has a plan for you! 

Con amor, 

Hermana Frei 

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